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HomeEventsSt. Patrick’s Day SONGFEST, 5:30PM

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Only 18 Spot(s) Left
St. Patrick’s Day SONGFEST, 5:30PM

Date and Time

Monday, March 17, 2025, 5:30 PM until 7:00 PM


TVIH Office
6061 Stevens Forest Road
Columbia, MD  21045

Event Contact(s)

JihJen Joy Cheung



Registration Info

Registration is required
Registration cancellations will be accepted
Cancellation Policy:
If after registering, you find you are unable to attend, PLEASE CANCEL your registration using the "Cancel Registration" button on the event calendar listing. Doing this will notify the host not to expect you and open up your spot for another member's registration. Thank you.


25 Total Slots
18 Available Slot(s)

About this event

Registration is required. Please register on the TVIH website. 
Question (required): Give us the names of the songs you would like to sing along with everyone, or answer NONE. (see the list below)


5:30 - 6:00 pm: Social 

6:00 - 6:30 pm: Sing along (Irish songs, folk songs, oldies, and your favorite songs). Please submit your requested songs when you register. The lyrics will be projected on the wall. 

6:30-7:00 pm: Desserts
Please bring a snack, cookies, or cake to share. Paper plates, plastic forks, napkins and bottled water will be supplied. 

songs we will song together: 
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, Danny Boy, MacNamara's Band, Molly Malone, My Wild Irish Rose,
This land Is Your Land (Woody Guthrie), If I had a hammer (The Weavers), Puff the Magic Dragon (Peter, Paul & Mary), Banana Boat (Harry Belafonte)
Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin (Rogers & Hammerstein), The Great Pretender (The Platters), Under the Boardwalk (The Drifters)
Wear something green (scarf, shirt, sweater, socks).



Number of People Who Will Attend

(No Fee)
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 The Village In Howard
 PO Box 1276
 Columbia, MD 21044
 (443) 367-9043