Our next outing is The Columbia Orchestra Symphonic Pops :
You’re invited to join the TVIH Live Performances Pod and attend the next Columbia Symphony Orchestra event “Symphonic Pops.".TVIH Members socialize together at Seasons 52 pre concert for Happy Hour at 4:30 pm. TVIH Members get tickets directly on the website <columbiaorchestra.org> which cost between $20-$26.
To get your name on the mailing list for the Live Performance Pod, contact: Nancy Freeman at nfreemanartist@aol.com or call 703-371-3508.
If you have any general Pod questions, please contact the Pods Committee at pods@thevillageinhoward.org.
Our Music Director Richard Scerbo teams up with electric guitarist and composer D. J. Sparr to create their playlist of favorite symphonic pieces – a modern-day mixtape of orchestral favorites that you’ll want to play over and over again.
A Maryland native and alumnus of the Baltimore School for the Arts, Sparr joins the orchestra as soloist on his own composition Violet Bond – a work he describes as “an ode to my great-grandmother and an homage to anyone who supports and nurtures the endeavors of aspiring artists.”
With works ranging from Bernstein’sCandide Overtureto Stravinsky’s rousing finale to The Firebird, this high energy concert will have you wanting to hit play again and again.