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Celebrating the Joy of Maryland Spring Flowers Virtual 10 AM
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Event Contact(s)
Ann Russo
Registration Info
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50 Total Slots
27 Available Slot(s)
About this event
Are you looking for that special splash of spring joy? Come enjoy a romp through Maryland Piedmont spring flowers that can beautify your landscape. We all love daffodils, but here is more to look forward to in the springtime. How about February flowers to lighten your heart? How about Golden Alexanders, Bleeding Hearts and Jack-in-the-Pulpits? What colorful names! Come to learn how to grow them, why they are so special, and about our native pollinators that depend on them.
Master Gardeners are volunteers who educate residents about safe, effective, and sustainable horticultural practices. The virtual program, which has received rave reviews, is open to TVIH members, guests and the public. This program is not just for gardeners, but for everyone who appreciates the beauty and variety of nature.
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