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HomeEventsLife Planning Series II: Preplanning Your Funeral 10:00 AM

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Only 12 Spot(s) Left
Life Planning Series II: Preplanning Your Funeral 10:00 AM

Date and Time

Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM


TVIH Center
6061 Stevens Forest Road
Columbia, MD  21045

Event Contact(s)

Michele Millican



Registration Info

Registration is required


30 Total Slots
12 Available Slot(s)

About this event

When you make prearrangements, before a death has occurred, it allows you to think more clearly, and you are not rushed to make any final decisions. It will assist your family in knowing what your wishes are and how you prefer your final arrangements to take shape. Preplanning avoids having to make decisions when your family is grieving the loss of a loved one. Your wishes are known, and the family has peace of mind that they are following your wishes. Anyone can preplan with or without prepayment. Learn about what decisions need to be made for your funeral arrangements, whether it be for cremation, burial, a veteran’s service or green burial, and what to do when a loved one dies. There are many choices to be made, and we will review them to help you make decisions now before a death occurs.


Please welcome our Presenter: Sherri Collins-Witzke, President of Harry H Witzke’s Family Funeral Home

This series will prepare you to plan and discuss realistic and practical information that will help you and your family and friends aiding you through your journey. You will get a glimpse of different topics that will be covered in session II, in this Spring 2025 series.

See you for the next session on March 26th at 10:00 am:
Preparing Your Photos for the Next Generation: Kick start your effort to organize, preserve and share your family’s photo legacy. Identify the steps to save and protect your photo collection to ensure it’s ready to pass on to the next generation.

Presented by: Rachel Jenkins, Owner of Photo Archivers

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 The Village In Howard
 PO Box 1276
 Columbia, MD 21044
 (443) 367-9043