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HomeEventsTVIH February Birth State Gathering What State Were You Born CT, NY, PA, NJ, or DE? 11:30 AM

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Only 9 Spot(s) Left
TVIH February Birth State Gathering What State Were You Born CT, NY, PA, NJ, or DE? 11:30 AM

About this event

Who was born in  CT, NY, PA, NJ, or DE? 
Come meet other members?
Date: Gather with others from your Birth State or neighboring states on the 3rd Monday, at The Silver Diner at 11:30 am.
Karen Ohlrich will be your host. Spouses and guests are also invited.  Do join us so we can celebrate together as well as make new acquaintances.

Food: Enjoy a delicious lunch or breakfast. (They serve breakfast all day with some Senior prices.)
The Silver Diner has an extensive menu of healthful foods. 

Registration: Please register on the TVIH web page.

Capacity: Sign up for one of the 26 spots.
Payment: Individual checks are available.
Location: The Silver Diner, 8250 Gateway Overlook, Elkridge, MD 443-733-5213

Host: Karen Ohlrich,
Canceled if schools are canceled for the day. No snow dates.


Date and Time

Monday, February 17, 2025, 11:30 AM until 1:30 PM


The Silver Diner
8250 Gateway Overlook


Event Contact(s)

Karen B Ohlrich



Registration Info

Registration is required


26 Total Slots
9 Available Slot(s)

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 The Village In Howard
 PO Box 1276
 Columbia, MD 21044
 (443) 367-9043