Topic: A Visit to the Galapagos
Thursday, 5:15Pm - 8:00Pm
Tour Guide: By Bill Levine
Several years ago, Shirley and Bill Levine took a cruise to the Galapagos Islands. The cruise was sponsored by the MIT Alumni Association.
The Alumni Association did two things that made the experience especially rewarding.
They sent a two-page list of things to be read before the trip. They sent a professional videographer to film our adventures.
The result is very much like a National Geographic Special with Shirley and Bill as occasional extras.
We were always near the videographer so what you see today we saw in person—usually within a few feet.
The islands were visited, and written about, by, at least, Charles Darwin, Herman Melville, and Kurt Vonnegut.
They are the home to a large collection of creatures that are found nowhere else. All three were fascinated by what they saw.
As we were and as, I am sure, you will be. The attached photo is a sample.
This handsome creature is a male marine iguana—uniquely found in the Galapagos.

*This is a partial potluck.
Bring a sandwich or main for yourself and an appetizer or dessert to share among 4-6 people.
Water, ice tea, plates and serving needs will be supplied on site.