Do not miss the solar eclipse on April 8th. The next solar eclipse over the U.S will be in 2044. The weather forecast is 66 degrees and partly cloudy.
Let's watch the eclipse together on the grassy hill in Centennial Park. It is next to the picnic pavilions where TVIH had our summer picnic in 2023.
Bring a low folding chair or blanket to sit on, your own special glasses for viewing the eclipse, and your own drink. Bring a snack food to share with friends.
Friends and family members are welcome to join.
Location: Centennial park boat launch area, on the grassy hill
Time: 1:00 - 4 PM. The parking lot will be full if you go too late.
eclipse starts: 2:05 PM
maximum 90%: 3:21 PM
ends: 4:33 PM
Driving Directions: If you enter the Centennial Park from Route 108, take the first right turn to "boat launch". Drive to the end, then you will see the parking lot.
Parking: There are 30 parking spaces near the boat launch. There are a few parking spaces up the hill near the picnic pavilions.
bathrooms: There are portable toilets near the picnic pavilions.
Caution: If you have a balance problem on uneven ground, do not go up the hill. Walking on the grassy slope is dangerous. Sit in a folding chair on the flat ground near the parking lot and the boat launch area.
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