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HomeEventsSunday Brunch at Nordstrom Cafe, 1:30 PM

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Sunday Brunch at Nordstrom Cafe, 1:30 PM

Date and Time

Sunday, March 26, 2023, 1:30 PM until 3:00 PM


Nordstrom Cafe
10300 Little Patuxent Pkwy
Columbia, MD  21044

Event Contact(s)

Karen L Michaelson



Registration Info

Registration is required
Cancellation Policy:
If after registering, you find you are unable to attend, PLEASE CANCEL your registration using the "Cancel Registration" button on the event calendar listing. Doing this will notify the host not to expect you and open up your spot for another member's registration. Thank you.

About this event

Informal get-together to eat and socialize on Sunday.

Nordstrom Cafe
10300 Little Patuxent Pkwy, Columbia, MD 21044
410) 715-2222

 Contact Us Form

 The Village In Howard
 PO Box 1276
 Columbia, MD 21044
 (443) 367-9043